Hauptseite > Bibliografie > unmittelbar > einzelne Hypothesen > Griesbachhypothese > Bestreiter

Bibliografie zu einzelnen Hypothesen
3. Griesbachhypothese
3.2 Bestreiter
Version 1.01    11.07.2002

Bestreiter der Griesbachhypothese:

Tuckett, Christopher M., The Revival of the Griesbach Hypothesis: An Analysis and Appraisal, Society for New Testament Studies: Monograph Series 44, Cambridge: UP, 1983.

Johnson, Sherman E., The Griesbach Hypothesis and Redaction Criticism, Society of Biblical Literature: Monograph Series 41, Atlanta: Scholars, 1991.

New, D.S., Old Testament Quotations in the Synoptic Gospels and the Two-Document Hypothesis, Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies Series 37, Atlanta: Scholars, 1993.

Huggins, Ronald V., "Matthean Posteriority: A Preliminary Proposal", Novum Testamentum 34 (1992), S. 1-22.

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